Adminex, established in 1983, specialises in the promotion and setting up of joint venture manufacturing industry in economically beneficial areas of the world for the production of high quality products to be manufactured to international technical and commercial standards for sale in the domestic and international markets.
Adminex will propose alternative business concepts and strategies covering the essential aspects of setting up a new enterprise after assessing the physical and economic conditions.
Adminex and the technology collaborator will produce a preliminary information document with recommended strategy for circulation to potential local promoters, investors, government departments, banks and other interested parties in order to assess the degree of support from vital interested parties.
Adminex has the necessary contact with potential promoters, investors and lenders and is confident of its ability to secure the required local investment and the support of the financial institutions for suitable projects.
Adminex and the technology collaborator will produce a preliminary feasibility study describing the key technical, economic and financial aspects in sufficient detail for the production of a detailed feasibility in accordance with local requirements.
Adminex will present the proposal to potential investors, financial institutions and authorities and will assist in the creation of the new joint venture company.
International Joint Ventures
Adminex and/or its collaborating technology partners will consider becoming a promoting investor in the new joint venture company and will.... Read More >>>
Project Management
Arrange the provision of - Manufacturing know-how and process technology, raw materials evaluation, criteria for civil engineering design and production building.... Read More >>>